Sebastian Cyrus’ (provincial Wójt [head of the bench] of higher court at the Krakow Castle)
Collection of Magdeburg city law. Presented as a gift by one Mr Palczowski in 1593 (Farrago iuris civilis Maideburgensis Sebastiani Cyrus advocati provincialis Iuris Supremi Castri Cracoviensis. Dono datum a domino Palczowski anno 1593)
The Higher Court of German Law at the Krakow Castle was famous for its expert knowledge on city law and quick examination of complicated appeals from the verdicts of the lower courts. It had at its disposal several books containing the compendium of legal regulations (zwody of Magdeburg law). This volume was the property of Sebastian Cyrus (died 1608), a Wójt of this court and a man of wide knowledge and great legal authority.
Ca. 1490, 1747, Krakow
Manuscript, modern binding
State Archive in Krakow, ref. no SWPM I-5