Religious Life

Inventory of the treasury of St Mary’s Church in Krakow written by provisors Jakub Celesta (died 1660) and Rafał Delpacy (died before 1655)
on 3 April 1645 and included in the Register of St Mary’s Church in Krakow Regestrum Ecclesiae BMV in Circulo Cracoviensai...
St Mary’s Church had a great importance for Krakow and the City Council took care of the church’s maintenance and renovation. Starting from the 15th century, two administrators were appointed from among the city councillors for this task. Originally, they were called “edyls”, then “provisors” (from the Latin words provisor – the one who can foresee, and providere - to foresee, take care, supply).

1636-1670, Krakow

Manuscript, paper, binding: parchment
State Archive in Krakow, ref. no Rkps 3350

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