Post book of Dominik Montelupi (died 1623)
In the 16th century, Italians were the largest group of foreigners living under Wawel Hill. Diplomats, physicians, artists as well as merchants and bankers arrived in Krakow together with Queen Bona Sworza (1494-1557). The Soderini and Montelupi banker families, who came from Tuscany, distinguished themselves as forerunners of a modern commercial mail system. Diplomatic mail had been developed thanks to King Sigismund August (Zygmunt August, 1520-1572) who needed regular contact with Italy (after his mother Queen Bona, had died there), in order to engage in litigation over her inheritance (the so-called Neapolitan sums).
1620-1626, Krakow
Manuscript, paper, parchment binding
State Archive in Krakow, ref. no Rkps 3214