View of the city fortifications from the north. Section from the City Arsenal to the vicinity of St Thomas’ Street.
Digital reconstruction of ca. 1650. The numbers refer to the following defensive towers and gates: 20. Defensive tower of the Guild of Swordmakers and Soapmakers, 21. Defensive tower of the Guild of Carpenters, 22. Defensive tower of the Guild of Joiners, 23. Defensive tower of the Guild of Haberdashers, 24. Defensive tower of the Guild of Inn-keepers, 25. Defensive tower of the Guild of Inn-keepers II, 26. Gunpowder defensive tower II, 27. Defensive tower of the Guild of Combmakers and Playing-card Makers, 28. Defensive tower of the Guild of Sellers of Small Wares, 29. Defensive tower of the Guild of Weavers, 30. Defensive tower of the Guild of Hatters, 31. Defensive tower of the Guild of Cordovaners; V. Florian gate with fore gate and defensive gate tower of the Guild of Furriers, VI. Mikołajska gate with fore gate and defensive gate tower of the Guild of Butchers
A. City Arsenal – erected between 1565 and 1566
B. Barbican – joined to the Florian gate by the fore-gate, the so-called “neck”
Scientific and historical consultation: Dr Waldemar Niewalda, Halina Rojkowska; graphic design: Piotr Opaliński
design by mikro-TOP